Saturday 24 August 2013


I am puchandi. I am not alive like you neither am i a ghost. I am not a ghost as i was never born like you guys to die of disease like cancer, stroke etc or killed by accident or suicide to be reborn as a ghost. So who am I? I am an enigma to all and especially the Children who is so worried of me but I am an enigma to myself. I do not know how I was born. May be a Mother who got desperate with a child trying to prevent him from doing the mischief of climbing the stair created me for the first time. May be different Mother's had different reason to create me for their children as they tried everything before i got created. But I now exist atleast for the small children and they do not know what all I can do. For some i can eat them for others i can steal them from my mother.

I was created for a good which prevented all this children from many accidents which might to have happened to them but i am created bad and hence i am bad to these children. As I do not know how I can be good to all this children, I continue to be bad. I really never wanted to exist but now I exist and I do not know why I exist. As child grows to an adult I die for him but is alive very much for a new set of children. I am alive even for the child of the adult who grew fearing of me.

If i could decide what i will do, I will never be cruel to these innocent children. Sadly, I have no role in that. I would have taught this children in a better way and would have acted like the god's in their scriptures. Sadly I was not created by the creator for a bad role and hence i do the bad work on children as per these sweet kids. As my creators, the mother community creates and propagates me while they are busy in their other work. I am created by their vocal words and hence i never exist on paper. I never have any right like anyone of you as I do not have any identity on paper. I hence do not get any privileges of constitution or even the scripture. I am old and may be as old as oldest human mother who could speak to communicate but I am not recognized. Anyhow history has no role to document evil beings and will not provide any rights for them.

I am feared but have different image in different kids mind. I am used frequently while one kid talk to other kids and each imagines me differently. I am like a cat for all but i have a bloody eye for some, long nails for others but no one doubts of my existence. Kids sometime get so worried of me and fell ill with fever thinking of me, so believe some me more than other. But no one doubts my existence.

Am i happy of my existence? Yes because i have survived so long, longer than many of those small kids who worry of me. But I am sad as I am evil not because i meant evil but those kids thought I am evil. I am sad that i cannot communicate to the kids in their language and inform them that I never meant evil. I am sad as i am powerless even though i have lived long. I have no power over any of this kids destiny during their period of belief but I am happy that may be I avoided many harm which could have come this kids way in case they did not believe me. I am happy that they don't curse me when they grow to adult and even start appreciating my role and commending me by recreating it again for their kids.